LSEG Academy: S&P 500 Return In US Presidential Election Years - Wednesday, 24 April
S&P 500 Return In US Presidential Election Years
Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2024
Time: 11:30 SGT (30 mins)
Do you believe in the US presidential cycle theory? Yale Hirsch, the creator of the “Stock’s Trader’s Almanac” developed this theory. It states that the stock market performs well in the second half of a presidential term when the current president tries to improve the economy to get re-elected. Thereafter, the stock market underperforms and the cycle continues. This course aims to explain the S&P 500 return in the election years by leveraging on Workspace.
● Explaining the US presidential cycle theory
● Evidence of S&P 500 performance during election years
● Opportunities and challenges
● Threats and controversies
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