About Us-Department of Finance, NYUST


Journal Artical

  1. Liu, Chih-Liang, Ulfah Nurul Fauziah, and Bo-Wei Chiu, 2024, Rollover Risk and Cost of Loan: The Role of Sharia. Review of Securities and Futures Markets, 36(4), 43-90. (國科會一級TSSCI期刊)
  2. Liu, Chih-Liang and Junmao Chiu*, 2023, Social Network and Tax Aggressiveness, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 62, 1459–1504. (科技部財務類 A Tier2 級期刊)
  3. Hakim, Muhammad Saiful* and Chih-Liang Liu, 2021, Generalist or Specialist? The Skill of CEO and Director That Really Matter to Firm Performance, Modern Economy12 (12), 1768-1781. (Econlit)
  4. Yang, Hsin-Feng, Chih-Liang Liu*, and Hsian-Ming Liu, 2021, Systemic Risk between Carry Trade and Stock Market. Theoretical Economics Letters11(3), 522-539. (Econlit)
  5. Hakim, Muhammad Saiful, Chih-Liang Liu, and Aang Kunaifi,2021, Cash Holdings in Shariah-Compliant Firms. Theoretical Economics Letters11 (1), 47-55. (Econlit)
  6. Yang, Hsin-Feng., Chih-Liang Liu*, and Ray Yeutien Chou, 2020. Bank Diversification and Systemic Risk. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 311-326. (科技部財務類 A- 級期刊)
  7. Liu, Chih-Liang*, Yin-Hua Yeh, 2018. Ownership Concentration and Bank Risk: International Study on Acquisitions, European Journal of Finance, Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 761-808. (科技部財務類 A- 級期刊)
  8. Liu, Chih-Liang*, Junmao Chiu, Yu-Jen Wang, 2018. Corporate Social Network and Bank Loan Contract, Journal of Financial Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 27-89. (國科會一級TSSCI期刊)
    • 第十屆聯電經營管理論文傑出獎,社團法人中華民國管理科學學會,民國108年。
    • 2016  SFM-JFS 研究論文獎,The 24th Conference on the Theories and Practices,民國105年。
  9. Liu, Chih-Liang*, and Hsin-Feng Yang, 2017. Systemic Risk in Carry-trade Portfolios. Finance Research Letters, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 40-46. (科技部財務類 A- 級期刊)
  10. Yang, Hsin-Feng, Chih-Liang Liu*, and Ray Yeutien Chou, 2014. Interest rate risk propagation: Evidence from the credit crunch. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 242-264. (SSCI)
  11. Yeh, Yin‐Hua, Huimin Chung, and Chih-Liang Liu*, 2011. Committee Independence and Financial Institution Performance during the 2007–08 Credit Crunch: Evidence from a Multi‐country Study. Corporate Governance: An International Review, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 437-458. (SSCI)
  12. Sheu, Her-Jiun, Huimin Chung, Chih-Liang Liu*, 2010, Comprehensive Disclosure of Compensation and Firm Value: The Case of Policy Reforms in an Emerging Market, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Vol. 37, No. 9-10, pp. 1115-1144. (科技部財務類 A Tier1 級期刊)
  13. Liu, Chih-Liang* and Yin‐Hua Yeh, 2017. Ownership Concentration and Bank Risk: International Study on Acquisitions. European Journal of Finance, Accepted and Forthcoming. (SSCI; 2016 Impact Factor: 0.795; 科技部A-級財務期刊;第一作者; 通訊作者; NSC102-2410-H-224-008)
  14. Liu, Chih-Liang* and Hsin-Feng Yang, 2017. Systemic risk in carry-trade portfolios. Finance Research Letters20, pp.40-46. (SSCI; 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.639; 科技部B+級財務期刊;第一作者; 通訊作者; NSC 101-2410-H-224 -001)
  15. Yang, Hsin-Feng, Chih-Liang Liu*, and Ray Yeutien Chou, 2014. Interest rate risk propagation: Evidence from the credit crunch. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 28, pp.242-264. (SSCI; 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.218; NSC 101-2410-H-224-001; 通訊作者)
  16. Yeh, Yin‐Hua, Huimin Chung, and Chih-Liang Liu*, 2011. Committee Independence and Financial Institution Performance during the 2007–08 Credit Crunch: Evidence from a Multi‐country Study. Corporate Governance: An International Review19(5), pp.437-458. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 2.169; 通訊作者; MOST 101-2410-H-224-011)
  17. Sheu, Her-Jiun, Huimin Chung, and Chih-Liang Liu*, 2010. Comprehensive Disclosure of Compensation and Firm Value: The Case of Policy Reforms in an Emerging Market. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting37(9‐10), 1115-1144.