About Us-Department of Finance, NYUST


International Conference Papers

  1. Liu, Chih-Liang*, (2023, Nov.). Preliminary Empirical Analyses on Islamic Corporate Finance and Practices from ESG to USG, International Conference on Management, Accounting, Economics, and Business, University of Nuhammadiyah Purwokerto, Jawa, Indonesia. (Keynote Speaker).
  2. Liu, Chih-Liang*, (2023, May). From ESG to USG: The Role of Academic Professor in Practices, International Student Conference on Accounting and Business, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Jawa, Indonesia. (Keynote Speaker).
  3. Liu, Chih-Liang*, Junmao Chiu, Le Van Hung, and Yu-Shan Wei (2022, Dec.). Social Network and Tax Aggressiveness, The 2022 Annual Conference of Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan.
  4. Liu, Chih-Liang*, Junmao Chiu, Le Van Hung, and Yu-Shan Wei (2022, Dec.). Social Network and Tax Aggressiveness, The 16th NYCU International Finance Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  5. Liu, Chih-Liang and M. S, Hakim* (2020, Dec.). Bank Loan and Corporate Earnings Management: Evidence from IFRS Adoption, The 2020 Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Kaoshung, Taiwan.
  6. Liu, Chih-Liang (2020, Feb.) Financial Nodes: from Academics to Practices, Keynote Speaker of The International Conference on Business and Engineering Management, Surabaya, Indonesia. (Keynote Speaker)
  7. Liu, Chih-Liang* (2019, Oct.). Social Network Expansion to Reinforce Managerial Ability, The 2019 annual conference of the International Corporate Governance Society, Essex, United Kingdom.
  8. Liu, Chih-Liang* (2018, Jun.). Skill Specialist or Generalist? Does CEO Substitute or Complement Directors? The 2018 European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Meetings, Milan, Italy.
  9. Liu, Chih-Liang*, J. Chiu, Y. J. Wang (2016, Dec). Corporate Social Network and Bank Loan Contract. The 24th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets (SFM), Kaoshung. (2016  SFM-JFS 研究論文獎)
  10. Liu, Chih-Liang*, J. Chiu, Y. J. Wang (2016, Oct). Corporate Social Network and Bank Loan Contract. The 2016 Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA.
  11. Liu, Chih-Liang*, Yin-Hua Yeh (2015, Jun). Ownership and Changes in Performance and Risk: International Study on Banking Acquisitions. The 2015 European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Meeting.
  12. Lee, Shiou-Ying, Chih-Liang Liu* (2014, Jul). D&O Insurance, Excess Director Compensation and Firm Value: Evidence from Taiwan. The 2014 European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy.
  13. Lee, Shiou-Ying, Chih-Liang Liu* (2014, Jun). D&O Insurance, Excess Director Compensation and Firm Value: Evidence from Taiwan. The 21st Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society (June 29 - July 2), Prague, Czech.
  14. Yang, Hsin-Feng, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou, Chien-Ling Cheng (2014, May). Too Big or Too Interconnected to Fail? Size, Diversification and Bank Risk Taking. The 2014 Financial Management Association (FMA) Asian Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.
  15. Yang, Hsin-Feng, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou, Chien-Ling Cheng (2014, Mar). Too Big or Too Interconnected to Fail? Size, Diversification and Bank Risk Taking. The 50th Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings (April 9-12), Pittsburgh, USA.
  16. Yang, Hsin-Fang, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou (2013, Jul). Interest Rate Risk Propagation: Evidence from the Credit Crunch. The 2013 Financial and Economic Challenges in the aftermath of Financial Crisis, Taipei, Taiwan. 
  17. Yang, Hsin-Fang, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou (2013, Jun). Too Big or Too Interconnected to Fail? Size, Diversification and Bank Risk Taking. The 21st International Business Research Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  18. Yang, Hsin-Fang, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou (2013, May). Too Big or Too Interconnected to Fail? Size, Diversification and Bank Risk Taking. The 2013 Annual Conference of the Taiwan Finance Association, Taipei, Taiwan. 
  19. Director Compensation and Risk-taking: Excessive Compensation and Incentive Structure Perspectives, The 19th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society (2012), Krakow, Poland.
  20. Stock Return Response to Competitor Bankruptcy: Perspective of Antitakeover Protection, The 2012 NCTU International Conference on Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  21. Shareholder Right and Sensitivity to Market Sentiment, The 2012 Conference on Behavioral Finance and Emerging Markets, Taipei, Taiwan.
  22. Board Committee Independence and Banking Performance during the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis: Evidence from a Multi-country Study, The 2010 Corporate Governance & The Global Financial Crisis Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
  23. Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2010 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association and Central Taiwan Finance Association Conference, Nantou, Taiwan.
  24. When will Entrenched Family Firms Improve Board Independence, The 2010 Finance and Corporate Governance Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
  25. Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2009 Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, Reno, USA.
  26. Board Independence and Family Control, The 5th International Symposium of Corporate Governance (2009), Tianjin, China.
  27. Comprehensive Disclosure of Compensation and Firm Value: The Case of Policy Reforms in an Emerging Market, The 2009 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, JungLi, Taiwan.
  28. Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2009 Financial Management Association (FMA) European Conference, Turin, Italy.
  29. Board Independence and Family Control, The 2009 Financial Management Association (FMA) Asian Conference, Xiamen, China.
  30. Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 58th Midwest Finance Association (MFA) Annual Meeting (2009), Chicago, USA.
  31. Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2009 NTU International Conference on Finance, Taipei, Taiwan.
  32. Comprehensive Disclosure of Compensation and Firm Value: The Case of Policy Reforms in an Emerging Market, The 2009 NCTU International Conference on Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  33. Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2009 Conference on Behavioral Finance and Emerging Markets, Taipei, Taiwan.
  34. Voluntary Comprehensive Compensation Disclosure and the Firm Value: Empirical Evidence from a Capital Market with Revolutionizing Policies, The 16th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management (2008), Brisbane, Australia.
  35. The Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure of Directors’ Compensation: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Market, The 2008 Conference on Behavioral Finance and Emerging Markets, Taipei, Taiwan.
  36. Options Pricing without Risk Neutral Assumption, The 2007 Annual Conference on Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.