International Conference Papers
- Liu, Chih-Liang*, (2023, Nov.). Preliminary Empirical Analyses on Islamic Corporate Finance and Practices from ESG to USG, International Conference on Management, Accounting, Economics, and Business, University of Nuhammadiyah Purwokerto, Jawa, Indonesia. (Keynote Speaker).
- Liu, Chih-Liang*, (2023, May). From ESG to USG: The Role of Academic Professor in Practices, International Student Conference on Accounting and Business, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Jawa, Indonesia. (Keynote Speaker).
- Liu, Chih-Liang*, Junmao Chiu, Le Van Hung, and Yu-Shan Wei (2022, Dec.). Social Network and Tax Aggressiveness, The 2022 Annual Conference of Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Liu, Chih-Liang*, Junmao Chiu, Le Van Hung, and Yu-Shan Wei (2022, Dec.). Social Network and Tax Aggressiveness, The 16th NYCU International Finance Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Liu, Chih-Liang and M. S, Hakim* (2020, Dec.). Bank Loan and Corporate Earnings Management: Evidence from IFRS Adoption, The 2020 Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, Kaoshung, Taiwan.
- Liu, Chih-Liang (2020, Feb.) Financial Nodes: from Academics to Practices, Keynote Speaker of The International Conference on Business and Engineering Management, Surabaya, Indonesia. (Keynote Speaker)
- Liu, Chih-Liang* (2019, Oct.). Social Network Expansion to Reinforce Managerial Ability, The 2019 annual conference of the International Corporate Governance Society, Essex, United Kingdom.
- Liu, Chih-Liang* (2018, Jun.). Skill Specialist or Generalist? Does CEO Substitute or Complement Directors? The 2018 European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Meetings, Milan, Italy.
- Liu, Chih-Liang*, J. Chiu, Y. J. Wang (2016, Dec). Corporate Social Network and Bank Loan Contract. The 24th Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets (SFM), Kaoshung. (2016 年 SFM-JFS 研究論文獎)
- Liu, Chih-Liang*, J. Chiu, Y. J. Wang (2016, Oct). Corporate Social Network and Bank Loan Contract. The 2016 Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA.
- Liu, Chih-Liang*, Yin-Hua Yeh (2015, Jun). Ownership and Changes in Performance and Risk: International Study on Banking Acquisitions. The 2015 European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Meeting.
- Lee, Shiou-Ying, Chih-Liang Liu* (2014, Jul). D&O Insurance, Excess Director Compensation and Firm Value: Evidence from Taiwan. The 2014 European Financial Management Association (EFMA) Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy.
- Lee, Shiou-Ying, Chih-Liang Liu* (2014, Jun). D&O Insurance, Excess Director Compensation and Firm Value: Evidence from Taiwan. The 21st Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society (June 29 - July 2), Prague, Czech.
- Yang, Hsin-Feng, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou, Chien-Ling Cheng (2014, May). Too Big or Too Interconnected to Fail? Size, Diversification and Bank Risk Taking. The 2014 Financial Management Association (FMA) Asian Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.
- Yang, Hsin-Feng, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou, Chien-Ling Cheng (2014, Mar). Too Big or Too Interconnected to Fail? Size, Diversification and Bank Risk Taking. The 50th Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings (April 9-12), Pittsburgh, USA.
- Yang, Hsin-Fang, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou (2013, Jul). Interest Rate Risk Propagation: Evidence from the Credit Crunch. The 2013 Financial and Economic Challenges in the aftermath of Financial Crisis, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Yang, Hsin-Fang, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou (2013, Jun). Too Big or Too Interconnected to Fail? Size, Diversification and Bank Risk Taking. The 21st International Business Research Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Yang, Hsin-Fang, Chih-Liang Liu*, Ray Yeutien Chou (2013, May). Too Big or Too Interconnected to Fail? Size, Diversification and Bank Risk Taking. The 2013 Annual Conference of the Taiwan Finance Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Director Compensation and Risk-taking: Excessive Compensation and Incentive Structure Perspectives, The 19th Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society (2012), Krakow, Poland.
- Stock Return Response to Competitor Bankruptcy: Perspective of Antitakeover Protection, The 2012 NCTU International Conference on Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Shareholder Right and Sensitivity to Market Sentiment, The 2012 Conference on Behavioral Finance and Emerging Markets, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Board Committee Independence and Banking Performance during the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis: Evidence from a Multi-country Study, The 2010 Corporate Governance & The Global Financial Crisis Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
- Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2010 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association and Central Taiwan Finance Association Conference, Nantou, Taiwan.
- When will Entrenched Family Firms Improve Board Independence, The 2010 Finance and Corporate Governance Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
- Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2009 Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, Reno, USA.
- Board Independence and Family Control, The 5th International Symposium of Corporate Governance (2009), Tianjin, China.
- Comprehensive Disclosure of Compensation and Firm Value: The Case of Policy Reforms in an Emerging Market, The 2009 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, JungLi, Taiwan.
- Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2009 Financial Management Association (FMA) European Conference, Turin, Italy.
- Board Independence and Family Control, The 2009 Financial Management Association (FMA) Asian Conference, Xiamen, China.
- Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 58th Midwest Finance Association (MFA) Annual Meeting (2009), Chicago, USA.
- Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2009 NTU International Conference on Finance, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Comprehensive Disclosure of Compensation and Firm Value: The Case of Policy Reforms in an Emerging Market, The 2009 NCTU International Conference on Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Corporate Governance and Individual Sentiment Beta, The 2009 Conference on Behavioral Finance and Emerging Markets, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Voluntary Comprehensive Compensation Disclosure and the Firm Value: Empirical Evidence from a Capital Market with Revolutionizing Policies, The 16th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Management (2008), Brisbane, Australia.
- The Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure of Directors’ Compensation: Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Market, The 2008 Conference on Behavioral Finance and Emerging Markets, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Options Pricing without Risk Neutral Assumption, The 2007 Annual Conference on Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.