Refereed Journal Publication
- Jing-Chi Chen and Li-Kai Liao* (2024, Jun.). Stock Returns and Earnings Persistence Following Equity Financing and Earnings Announcement: Considering Managerial Characteristics. Review of Financial Economics, 42(3), 291-315. (ESCI, Scopus, MOST A- Journal). (*Corresponding author) DOI:10.1002/rfe.1199.
- Liao, Li-Kai, & Victoria Shao-Pin Wang (2024, Jun). The effects of information environment on internal and external financing choices. International Journal of Business Excellence, 33(1), 142-167. (Scopus) DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2021.10045198.
- Meng-Feng Yen, Li-Kai Liao, and Wen-Yi Chang (2022, Nov. ). Exploring the Effect of Investor Sentiments on Debt Issuance and Maturity。Taiwan Accounting Review (TSSCI),18(2): 251-292. (written in Chinese)
- Yu-Lin Hsu and Li-Kai Liao* (2022, July). Corporate Governance and Stock Performance: The Case of COVID-19 Crisis. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 41(4), 106920. (SSCI, MOST A Tier-1 Journal) (*Corresponding author)
- Yi-Mien Lin, Li-Kai Liao and Chia-Wen Hsu (2020, Jun). The Relationship between Customer Bargaining Power and Supplier's Cash Holdings: The Moderate Effect of Accounting Conservatism and Corporate Governance. Review of Accounting and Auditing Studies (TSSCI), 10(1), 121 - 156 (written in Chinese)
- Liao, Li-Kai*, Yu-Wei Fan, and Ming-Hsin Shih (2020, March/April). What drives social responsibility indices returns? Macroeconomics matters. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (SSCI), 27(2), 514-524. (*Corresponding author)
- Yi-Mien Lin, Li-Kai Liao* and Min-Yu Chien (2019, Dec). The Effects of Value Relevance of Cash Flows and Accruals: The Corporate Life Cycle. Review of Securities and Futures Markets (TSSCI), 31(4), 161-200. (written in Chinese) (*Corresponding author)
- Liao, Li-Kai, Ya-Chi Chang, and Yi-Chun Wang (2018, Jul). The Relationship between Management Characteristics and Financial Crisis. Taiwan Accounting Review (TSSCI), 14(1), 97-128. (written in Chinese)
- Liao, Li-Kai*, Che-Chia Chang, Wei Wang, and Jiao-Hui Yang (2017, Nov). Asymmetric Responses to Cash Flow News: A Comparison of Korean and Taiwan Stock Markets. Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting (MOST B Journal), 8, 119-137. (*Corresponding author)
- Liao, Li-Kai*, Peihwang Wei, and Kai-Li Wang (2017, Jun). A Comparison of Overreactions of REIT and non-REIT Funds Using Options Data: The Role of the Financial Crisis. Journal of Financial Studies (TSSCI, EconLit), 25(2), 51-73. (*Corresponding author)
- Liao, Li-Kai*, Yi-Mien Lin, and Tsung-Wen Lin (2016, Jun). Non-Financial Performance in Product Market and Capital Expenditure. Journal of Business Research (SSCI), 69(6), 2151-2159. (*Corresponding author)
- Liao, Li-Kai, Tarun K. Mukherjee, and Wei Wang (2015, Jun). Corporate Governance and Capital Structure Dynamics: An Empirical Study. The Journal of Financial Research (SSCI, MOST A Tier-2 Journal), 38(2), 169-192. (2015 Outstanding Articles in the JFR)