About Us-Department of Finance, NYUST


Conference Papers

  1. Liao, Li-Kai and Chih-Ying Huang (2024, Dec.). How eSports ETFs Navigate Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Key Drivers of Returns Before and After. The 18th NYCU International Finance Conference & 4th Yushan Conference, Taiwan.
  2. 廖麗凱、王哲遠 (2024, Nov.). 企業國際化程度與自願確信永續報告書之關聯性:以企業生命週期和經濟政策不確定性探討。The 2024 Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference (2024 中華會計教育學會年會), Taiwan。
  3. Liao, Li-Kai, Shuen-Lin Jeng, and Kuan-Hsuan Lee (2024, Aug.). Can Machine Learning Reveal the Value Drivers of NFTs? Evidence from Cryptographic Art. The 2024 AAA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA. NSTC 112-2410-H-006-086.
  4. Liao, Li-Kai and Ruei-Siang Chen (2024, Jul.). Managerial ability, organizational capital, and the investment efficiency of organizational capital. The 25th Asia Pacific Management Conference (2024 APMC), Bangkok, Thailand.
  5. 廖麗凱、柯政宏 (2023, Dec). 台灣電動車產業報酬驅動因素之研究。2023 中華會計教育學會年會(The 2023 Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference), Taiwan。
  6. Liao, Li-Kai and Tang-Jing Yang (2023, Nov). ESG and the Speed of Capital Structure Adjustment. The 4th International Conference On Sustainable FinTech and Supply Chain Management (2023 SFSCM), Online.
  7. Liao, Li-Kai (2022, Dec). Star CEOs and Earnings Management: The Consideration of Business Risk. The 2022 Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference, Taiwan. NSTC 110-2635-H-006-003.
  8. Liao, Li-Kai and Chih-Ying Huang (2022, Nov.) The determinants of eSports ETF returns before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 3rd International Conference On FinTech, RegTech and Sustainable Finance, Tainan, Taiwan.
  9. 廖麗凱、郭澂諺 (2021, Nov). CEO 管理能力與組織資本之關聯性研究-以台灣上市櫃企業為例。2021 中華會計教育學會年會 後疫情資訊溝通科技之會計審計變革國際研討會(The 2021 Taiwan Accounting Association Annual Conference), Taiwan。
  10. Liao, Li-Kai and Mengqing Li (2021, Oct). Mobile Payment Matters: Evidence from E-commerce Corporations in the United States. The 22nd Asia Pacific Management Conference, Taiwan.
  1. Liao, Li-Kai, Hsin-Ping Wang, Yu-Lin Hsu (2021, Jun). A Study of Trading Behavior in Cryptocurrency Markets. The 2021 European Financial Management Association (EFMA) annual meeting, Leeds, UK.
  2. Liao, Li-Kai and Yasser Alhenawi (2021, Jan). Financial Contagion: A New Test with Broad Economic Perspective. the 28th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management, Taiwan.
  3. Liao, Li-Kai and Ya-Chih Yang (2019, Dec). Managerial ability, corporate social responsibility and tax avoidance. the 8th Conference of the World Accounting Frontiers Series (WAFS), Macau.
  4. Liao, Li-Kai (2019, Jun). Beliefs and Investment Behavior: A Comparison of Health- and Energy-related Funds. 2019 Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) Conference, Jinan, China.