


  1. 胥愛琦, 李春安, 劉淑琴, 2012, 自願性盈餘預測發佈與公司策略因應, 證券市場發展季刊, Vol.24, No.2. (TSSCI)
  2. 陳俊合, 胥愛琦, 楊禮全, 2011, 衍生性商品交易是否影響盈餘管理決策:以交易目的動機探討, 會計學報, Vol.3, No.2, pp.49-68. (其他)(NSC98-2410-H-005-011)
  3. Hsu, Ai-Chi, Yang, Shih-Jui, Shih, Ta-Li, Yang, Jack J.W., 2011, Interactions and Three Significant International Events of the Pacific Basin Stock markets. Is U.S. Stock Market Still a Trail Blazer?, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Vol.8, No.2, pp.66-77. (其他)
  4. Hsiao-Fen Hsiao, Chuan-Ying Hsu, Chun-An Li and Ai-Chi Hsu, 2011, The Relationship between Managerial Sentiment, Corporate Investment and Firm Value: Evidence from Taiwan, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, No, NO. (SSCI)
  5. Hsiao-Fen Hsiao, Szu-Hsien Lin, Ai-Chi Hsu, 2010, Risk and Performance attribution, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Vol.7, No.3, pp.22-28. (其他)
  6. 蔡怡純, 胥愛琦, 陳明吉, 2010, 不動產投資信託基金變得更危險了嗎? 亞洲市場實證研究, 經濟與管理論叢, Vol.6, No.2, pp.271-298. (其他)
  7. Hsiao-Fen Hsiao, Ai-Chi Hsu, 2009, Measuring Earnings Manipulation in the Financial Distress Firms, .. (EI)
  8. Ai-Chi Hsu, Hsiao-Fen Hsiao, 2009, A Grey -Artificial Neural Network Stochastic Volatility Model for Return Volatility, .. (EI)
  9. Ai-Chi Hsu, Hzu-Hsien Lin, 2009, Trading Strategies based on Dividend Yield: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Market, The International Journal of Business and Finance Research. (其他)
  10. Ai-Chi Hsu, Shih-Jui Yang, 2009, Interactions of the stock market on the Greater China area, Investment Management and Financial Innovations. (其他)
  11. 胥愛琦 蕭小芬 李勇儀, 2008, 產業內股價連動效應及其衍生之投資策略研究, 財金論文叢刊, No.9, pp.28-57.
  12. 胥愛琦, 史大麗, 黃信展, 2008, 台灣金融指數基金(ETF)資訊傳遞效率之實證研究, 台灣期貨與衍生性商品學刊, Vol.7, pp.100-137.
  13. Hsu, Ai-Chi, Shu-Chin Liu, 2008, Momentum and Mean-reversion of Industrial Stock Returns:  Evidence from Taiwan, The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol.7, No.11, pp.1063-1073. (其他)
  14. Hsu, Ai-Chi, Hsiao-Fen Hsiao, 2008, Does Optimism Affect Corporate Investment? New Evidence from Taiwanese Panel Data, Journal of Corporate Ownership & Control, Vo5., No.2, pp.459-465. (其他)
  15. Hsu, Ai-Chi, Hsiao-Fen Hsiao, and Chun-Fan You, 2008, Hedging Effectiveness in Stock Index Futures in Taiwan, The Empirical Economics Letters, Vo7., No.8, pp.775-795. (其他)
  16. 游清芳, 胥愛琦, 黃江川, 2008, 股利變動,未來獲利及股利訊號關聯性之研究, 環球科技人文學刊, No.7, pp.1-17.
  17. Chung-An Li, Ai-Chi Hsu, Huey-Jean Ley, 2008, Market Crashes and Investor Sentiment: The Case of Taiwan, Journal of International Management Studies, Vol.3, No.1, pp.275-283. (其他)
  18. Hsu, Ai-Chi, Shu-Chin Liu, 2008, The Hurdle Choice between Truncated Normal and Log Normal, Applied Economics, Vol. 40, pp.201-207. (SSCI)
  19. 胥愛琦, 李崑進, 2006, 應用公債與股票殖利率筆直作為市場投資法則可行性研究, 台灣銀行季刊, Vol.57, No.1, pp.113-126. (其他)
  20. 楊踐為, 胥愛琦, 吳清豐, 2005, 亞洲金融危機前後匯率波動不對稱現象之比較與政策意函, 台灣管理學刊, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 187-208.
  21. 胥愛琦, 吳清豐, 2003, 台灣股市報酬與匯率變動之波動性外溢效果--雙變量EGARCH模型的應用, 台灣金融財務季刊, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 87-103.
  22. Ai-Chi Hsu, and Shih-Yao Lin (2017), Correlation between Office Locations, Corporate Governance and Business Performance, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol.7, No.4,pp.668-676
  23. Ai-Chi Hsu, and Shih-Yao Lin (2017), The Study of Relationships among Office Locations, Corporaate governance and Business Performance - Evidence From China Listed Companies, Research Journal of Business and Management, Vol.4 No.4,pp.141-153.
  24. Ai-Chi Hsu, Chun-An Li, and Show-Yen Lai (2015),The Momentum Phenomena of Good News, Bad News and Returns in Taiwan Stock Market, 98114-146. (TSSCI)(in Chinese)
  25. Yong-Yi Li, Ai-Chi Hsu, and Ya-Chiu Angela Liu (2013), Earnings Shortfalls, Earnings Management, and Corporate Performance, Banking and Finance Review, Vol.5, No.1,pp.41-60
  26. Ai-Chi Hsu, Ya-Chiu Angela Liu, and Yong-Yi Li (2013), Does Meeting Earnings Thresholds Matter?, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol.104,pp.156-178